
Here you will find all information about Dreamtrails. If you still have questions, please contact us here.

What are Dreamtrails? – Dreamtrails are powerful coaching sessions in nature aimed at the development of personal leadership and transformation. In the Dreamtrails I combine ‘pure coaching’ with a refreshing trip in nature and we use the elements available to make the coaching session even more powerful.

Why Nature? – Fresh air and movement bring new perspectives and help you to get closer to your core or essential truth. By distancing yourself from the familiar daily environment you create a fertile soil for in-depth reflection. By moving physically, obstacles or blockages are more easily solved. New roads become – sometimes literally – visible. Nature is also a mirror of life with its constant transformation – the eternal process of blooming, growing, withering, dying and being born again. And you can return to it at any time.

Which packages are there? – The following Dreamtrail packages are readily available. Other packages are tailor made. Prices below are for individuals. For business clients the rate is determined in consultation.


One-day-hike Shine – intense ‘one-day’ session of 2 hrs in nature, tailored towards one concrete objective. Cost of Shine is 185 euros excl VAT.



Four-day-trek Fjord – four intensive sessions in nature for people that want to initiate of change of direction in life and are willing to work hard on self-confidence and overcoming any blocking obstacles. Cost of Fjord is 700 euros excl VAT when paid in advance fully.


Seven-day-trek Caravan – seven intensive sessions within five months for ambitious persons in the field of personal development who want to change course in multiple areas of their lives. The cost of  Caravan is 1150 euros excl VAT when paid fully in advance.


Ten-day-trek Summum – ten intensive sessions within six months for die hards aiming for transformation or those that want to continue after completing the seven-day-trek Caravan. The cost of Summum is 1600 euros excl VAT when paid in advance fully.

Is a Dreamtrail something for me? – Are you at a crossroads in life and willing to invest in yourself, challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and get (re)connected to your inner truth? If you answer these questions affirmatively, a Dreamtrail is definitely for you! With Dreamtrails, you literally free the inner power that helps you to shape your life exactly the way you want it to be, and making the according choices. The individual sessions in nature are extremely powerful because you are not distracted by others except your coach. This helps to focus on your objective completely.

Are all Dreamtrail sessions the same? – Normally not! Sessions will differ each time. Based on your objectives, blockades or wishes, I will prepare the sessions with extra assignments or exercises. We will also tune in to the places we are and the daily weather. The only constant factor is the basic starting point of pure coaching in nature.

Can I walk a Dreamtrail together or in a group? – That’s certainly possible! Dreamtrails work very well for couples, friends, parents and children as well as small management teams to first clarify their own wishes, requirements and priorities and then share them together. This involves customization and a program can be put together in consultation.


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